New Mark Levinson 5805 Firmware Problems

Greetings.  I'm new to this group.  I wanted to share my experiences.  I bought an ML 5805 that was delivered first week of February, 2020.  I updated the firmware to current version 1.47.  Upon doing so, the PCM digital filter choices "disappeared" from the amp menu.  Also missing was the decoding info provided when the Enter button is pressed.

Levinson customer support said no one else had reported this but me and seemed to try to "blame" it on me, asking such questions like, have I had a power outage, has the unit been moved, have I disconnected/re-connected wires, etc.  After being put through the wringer and providing them their requested information, they had me do a Config Restore to the previous firmware.  When I did that, the PCM filters and decoding info returned, but, if I customized ANYTHING in the amp (i.e. startup volume, offset, naming of inputs, etc) the PCM filters and decoding info disappeared again.  At one time, the amp went into Standby Mode and could not be awakened--it had "died."  This inferred to me that both firmware versions have bugs.

So, Levinson and my Raleigh, NC dealer (who has been terrific about this) provided a brand new replacement 5805 today.  The dealer's tech person installed it, updated the firmware, and, drum roll please...the exact same problems occurred with my new replacement 5805.  The dealer's tech said it appeared both firmware versions had bugs.  This so-called luxury amp has worn me out.  I am ready for a refund and a replacement product.  Does anyone have recommendations for a superb-sounding integrated amplifier for around the same price range +/-  $2K to $4K?
Hi, I'm having similar problems with one of my No.53s. I went away for a few days in July. Just out of an abundance of caution I turned off all my ML equipment and unplugged everything; just in case a summer storm popped up while I was out of town. When I came back one of the 53s refused to come up. It's been out for service for 2 months now and no idea when I'm getting it back. When I bought my gear I returned a 519 and a 523 for really poor fitment issues. The cases didn't line up properly and sitting across the room you could see the problems. Btw, I had firmware upgrade problems with my 53s too. I think quality at ML is seriously suffering. I hope we all get our issues resolved properly. 
keep us updated Stuart, I hope they get this resolved soon for you. Nice amps! 
Sorry you’re having problems with your ML equipment Stuart. Hope you get your music back soon. 
Just a quick update. Over a month later and still no return of the 53. It's been 4 mths and counting. I hope nobody else needs ML equipment serviced. The wait is killing me. 
Stuart, I am sorry to hear about your ML 5805 woes. I had two die on me this year and requested a full refund to apply toward purchase of the ML 585.5.  I recently talked to the manager of my local audio dealer and his store stopped selling the 5805s entirely until Levinson figures out what’s wrong. Locally they had a 1/3 failure rate of all the 5805s sold.  I wish you luck.