Harbeth P3ESR vs the new XD

Has anyone compare the two as heard the old one and stores only have xd now. What is main difference in sound. One guy said they prefer original! Thanks!
My dealer also said the original is better, and this include the C7ES3 and SHL5+. The XD version is more expensive but has a different sound. Only you can judge whether the sound is better by comparing both in the same room.
Everybody has there opinions..there eill be some who dont like this and that. Its up to the person. Most people, do like the anniv which is now the xd version. The sales have been better with xd version. 
Um, the distrubitor told me the xd is a better selling speaker and what MOST wanted in an upgrade. Have to find another speaker then if you want new, the older version has very few left.