Cables for Audio Mirror Tubadour III

I'm looking for a suitable power cord (preferably < $500) for my Audio Mirror Tubadour III DAC, as well as RCA cables 
(< $300) to connect the DAC to the Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II amp. Would love to hear from folks who have one or both brands.
@snopro  Thanks for the recommendation. I'm really enjoying the tubadour and do plan to upgrade to SE in a few months.

Appreciate your recommendation for Triod Wire PC but I already purchased the Audio Envy 2P and it made a noticeable improvement.
Hi @arafiq 
I just saw you mention you are considering upgrading your AM to SE status.
I would really like to hear your opinion of the upgrade once done.
Thanks & good health.

@pastorbob -- looks like the upgrade will have to wait for a little bit. I ended up buying speakers for my media room, and still looking for an integrated amp to drive them. the AM DAC upgrade will probably happen after 6 months or so, after my wallet gets a chance to regain its self esteem :)
Hi @arafiq 
LOL, I know that feeling.
Let me know your thoughts when the upgrade is complete.

At any rate, without appearing to be a know it all, I used a Rogue Audio tube/ highbred Sphinx integrated for a few years with Totem Rainmaker speakers.
I really thought very highly of it.
Don't know what speakers you got, but the Sphinx has the power & stability to drive just about anything & very reasonably priced (always a priority for me). 
Just saying...........

Be healthy & happy 