Is a dedicated transport justified?

In my system I am running an AMC CD6 as a transport into a Monarchy Audio DIP then into a Theta Pro Basic DAC, if I got a stand alone transporr for something in the range under $500 used would there be a great sonic benefit?
Thanks for any and all help......Chad
I think I second Gmood, but you might experiment with digital cables between the AMC and the DIP. When I had a transport-DIP-DAC setup, the difference between the basic Canare and the Acoustic Zen MC2 was unbelievable... more than the difference between the Monarchy's SuperDIP and the 48/96 Upsampler! On a different note, you might also want to experiment with certain inexpensive recent DVD/Universal players that are reported to be surprizingly good transports- check audio asylum for threads.
Good luck
Buy a Theta Data II transport for $400 on the 'gon. It will be the best $400 you will ever spend.
I have always heard differences between transports. This one is unbeleviable for what you pay.
I agree with Nutella, the Theta Data Basic II is awesome. I don't think that you'll find a better buy.

If you up the ante to $1,500.00 for a new piece, the Stello CDT-200 blew away my Theta Data Basic II in every aspect except the soundstage depth.

Maybe a bit higher than you want to spend but I have owned a Data 3 for 10 years. I have a/b'd several dvd combos such as Sony 7000/7700/ Arcam fmj27--- The low end slam would be the one area Theta does the punishing to these pretenders.--So, yes transports matter.