Preamp recommendation

In the market for a new pre-amp and looking for suggestions. I know this is very subjective to one’s tonal qualities so let’s consider all options in the $2k range.

My current system is analog and I have no interest in digital. Currently running VPI Scout, Elac Alchemy PPA-2, Parasound A21 and Q Acoustics 3050i.

I’m leaning towards a used Parasound JC-2 or Wyred4 Sound STP SE, both in the price range. I had a previous post considering the Jolida or Vincent but have decided not to go hybrid based on inconsistent reviews.

I would certainly recommend my pre-amps, except for one detail:  I have only ever seen 4 for sale, ever, and I bought two and sold one of those. The other one was on a Canadian site.  So it does not matter.  Good Luck.  I recommend you listen and buy what you like to hear.  You are on a site with extremely prejudiced listeners, who often taut what they own to make themselves fell better.  Many are going deaf from age.  Visit a city with dealers.  They still exist.  To save money, if necessary, buy used, but listen first, somewhere.
W4S STP SE good choice should operate in passive mode for most  listening with your existing amp.
Quicksilver if you want tubes. In your price range hand built in the USA. Excellent preamp. 
Wyred-4-Sound STP-SE or Benchmark HPA4. Both use similar design philosophy. Can't go wrong with either.