Harbeth P3ESR vs the new XD

Has anyone compare the two as heard the old one and stores only have xd now. What is main difference in sound. One guy said they prefer original! Thanks!
To update this thread I got a new in box P3ESR! Last one! In photos if you look at XD new crossover parts you would think it's can improvement but case people said here even after break in sound of XD still not as yummy as original. My P3ESR tonality sounded great right out of the box. After few hrs things maybe  got a bit more focused but similar sound. With my gear cymbal strikes sound authentic with the sweet detail and bite like the real thing. Even some speakers costing up to $60k can't do this.
@kw6  Congrats!  You're going to love them more and more as you listen to them.  Enjoy!
Also, keep in mind that it will take quite a while (100+ hours at least) for the bass to improve. I was initially dissatisfied with bass response, but boy did it improve after 100 hours or so.