I bought some Owens Corning 703. Now what?

I'm investigating the acoustics of my room. I have been doing REW scans and analyzing them with the help of a member here. I've played with sub and speaker positioning and settings to see how this affects measurement and what it sounds like. I've reached out to GIK Acoustics to get their advice.

But, because I wanted to just try some experiments before (possibly) spending a lot with GIK and/or other companies, I bought 6 OC 703 panels (2" x 24" x 48") to try, temporarily around my room, singly or in combination. I might even make my own panels if that seems worthwhile.

My question is: What are some useful experiments to do with the panels and where in the measurements might I see some changes?

Again, this is not to replace getting expert help; this is a way for me to start to learn by interactive experience how my room is affecting the sound. So, good things to try?
+1 to tvad's suggestion. You can place them at the first reflection points on the front and rear walls and ceiling, to start.

Here’s a 1st report: 6 OC 703 panels placed at various places.

(a) Placed on first reflection on floor, immediately under ceiling reflection spots. Had noticeable reduction of harsh upper mids and treble. Even better on some tracks with two panels.

(b) Placed along front wall between speakers, mostly, four panels. Vocal tracks which were already located in the center became much more focused. E.g. When before I was listening to “a singer” in front of me, now I was hearing the vocals from “a singer’s head.” So much better localization.

(c) Placed on rear wall -- which is a bookcase with books pulled out at various degrees -- there was very little change I could hear.

So far so good. Didn’t try to measure, just listened.

This is going to be uncomfortable. Starting at your feet, wrap the Corning insulation round and round your body, slowly working your way up. It's best to lay down for this procedure, and don't forget to wear a mask. Also, it is very important to set your CD player to 'repeat', as the best that you can do after completing the procedure, is to set with you back up against the couch and listen. One last note: It is a good idea to take several doses of Benadryl about 20 minutes before starting this wonderful experiment.
If you end up with extra, two other uses to consider are
  1. to construct bass traps, and
  2. to construct decoupling footers
I suspect A/V Room Service, Ltd. uses Owens Corning board to construct these, but probably uses the denser 705 for supporting heavier equipment and speakers