Ceramic fuses

Gday, Im looking at purchasing some ceramic fuses for my Primaluna gear. 
The question I have, would  a gold plated or rhodium plated fuse be the way to go? If so, which would be the better choice? 
Any information or help, would be appreciated. 
Cheers Ricey

Merry Christmas, everyone
Gday, Ive decided to go with a ceramic fuse, with nickel plated brass ends. They only cost about $6.75
I will also treat with Deoxit....
Cheers Andrew. 
Gotta love the fairy tales
that "fusers" make up, and have no idea about electronics, or science.

ricey OP6 posts
Gday, Ive decided to go with a ceramic fuse, with nickel plated brass ends. They only cost about $6.75
Good quality fuse ricey, just don’t get sucked into the $150+ fuse BS that "fusers" waffle on about here, especially directional ac fuses, just "snake oil".

Cheers George

So George, if one of your customers came in with Cary 805 Es and said upgrade the wiring, replace the coupling and decoupling caps, check and replace parts as needed, you’d tell them, there is no need and they are wasting their money? The wire is fine and whats in there is just as good as what your going to replace it with?

Cary, calls it a sonic UPGRADE. It sounds BETTER.. Have you upgraded amps and heard a difference?
Copper is replaced with Silver wire or clad, caps are replaced, resistors are tighten up, PS HecFred, and filter cap.  Match a good set of valves. 2-3 K, you are gonna turn it away?
BTW, they want SR blue fuses in the units.. LOL Just add it to the bill, kind of customer..

I ask, because that same thinking is the difference between a 100 amp, a 1000.00 amp or a 10,000.00 amp.. Usually better parts.

You seem to be ok if the price is right. What if the price MADE a 100 amp into 1000.00 amp, for the cost of 150.00 worth of resistors and caps?

I think that is the main part I don’t understand with your way of thinking...

If SR fuses were 6.50 would you use them then? Complaining about the cost is one thing, saying they don’t change the sound is a different thing all together.. They change the sound at a cost of 100. each if you buy three (on sale). 300.00.

So is the BS the cost, the quality, the money back guarantee, all of it, part of it. How does that work as a repair person? You don’t do upgrades?

So George, if one of your customers came in with Cary 805 Es and said upgrade the wiring, replace the coupling and decoupling caps, check and replace parts as needed Cary, calls it a sonic UPGRADE.

Your barking up the wrong fuser tree sunshine. (starting to get a whiff of fish??)

Sure better spec’d caps will make a difference, (and it’s not the lead out wires from the caps). Also the heat inside those things will dry out caps real quick.

And yes they definitely could put in new $1 Bussman or Little fuses, as the old fuses would have seen some "massive turn on surges" and their holders, (re-below) with those 805 heaters filaments asking as much turn on current as one of Krell’s biggest monoblock amps.
Just change the fuse if old for a quality brand EE industry standard 50c fuse, as fuses (even the snake oil ones) do age after many turn on cycle surges.
Quick blow fuses aging and slow blow fuses aging left to right.
https://ibb.co/0ZtRv4J https://ibb.co/mbzs3RK

As for the wires yes too those also, especially to the ones serving the big current supply to those tube heaters, they now will also be getting blackened and getting hard under the insulation, as well as the where each end terminates.
A perfect example of this

Cheers George

George is so ignorant.  There are very, very few components that use "steel" leads.......are you kidding?  Almost all transistors, tubes, resistors, capacitors, etc. use copper leads.   There are a few rare op amps that use steel leads and some inexpensive diodes use steel leads.  George lives in an alternative universe.  All fuses sound different and all materials sound different.  Only those that listen with an open mind and heart truly KNOW.  Fuses and fuse holders do not have "steel" connections....most all of them are brass or bronze.