Ceramic fuses

Gday, Im looking at purchasing some ceramic fuses for my Primaluna gear. 
The question I have, would  a gold plated or rhodium plated fuse be the way to go? If so, which would be the better choice? 
Any information or help, would be appreciated. 
Cheers Ricey

Merry Christmas, everyone

Ricev’s, you have no idea of the gist here, where’s your proof, your the one who’s ignorant.
All you do is promote your own commercial         and snake oil, and you’ve be deleted for it many times now.

For members that wish to know the truth, on fuses etc
Just change the fuse if old for a quality brand EE industry standard 50c fuse, as fuses (even the snake oil ones) do age after many turn on cycle surges.
Quick blow fuses aging and slow blow fuses aging left to right.
https://ibb.co/0ZtRv4J https://ibb.co/mbzs3RK
As for the wires yes too those also, especially to the ones serving the big current supply to those tube heaters, they now will also be getting blackened and getting hard under the insulation, as well as the where each end terminates. And yes they definitely could put in new $1 Bussman or Little fuses, as the old fuses would have seen some "massive turn on surges" and their holders
A perfect example of this


And the base section inside the amp, of those external bayonet 1/2 turn screw in ones

Cheers George
Just look up any part and look at the spec sheet that shows you the material used as the lead......that is where the proof is.  Pick up almost any component and put a magnet near its lead.....if it is not attracted then it is not steel.  There is your proof.  A thousand/million/billion times over proof.  Where is your proof that all components use steel leads?......it is no where....because it is not true.  I could post links to millions of parts and their spec sheets that all show there is no "steel".  
Your barking up the wrong fuser tree sunshine. (starting to get a whiff of fish??)


Lost me on that one.. My name is Scotty.. not sunshine, and I don't bark, But thanks for the bright outlook...

Fish? Fish oil, OK I got you.. No just asking what you would do if a customer came in and asked if you would upgrade a system, that's all.

Don't sell many SR fuses, I take it.. Do customers ASK? What do you say, NO.. if they ask for them? All the repair guys around here, have SR in stock, Bees wax, a few... Or they will get them for you.. Even Mac repair shops... Daily City, Sacramento, a few.

Don't sell many SR fuses, I take it.. Do customers ASK? What do you say, NO.. if they ask for them?
I'd give them the same spiel that I gave you, and tell them to save their money, and spend it elsewhere where it will do good for the sound, instead of the voodoo that a few fuser generals preach (shill) here.

Cheers George   
And Ricevs, BS to you and most of your tweaks. Your just a self promoter for your own        .