What ever happened to....

VPI Magic Bricks?
A fellow audiophile laid a couple on me for a while...and it's a good thing he didn't drop them on my toes.  Anyway, I placed them wherever they were supposed to be placed.  I might have heard a microscopic improvement in the sound.
Edcyn, you were trying too hard. Teo, there is a sucker born every moment. What I am is violently projected literacy exposing patent ideocracy. You believe what you want and we shall chock it up to mysticism. 
The bricks are a sink for transformer born EMI. That‘s what they are made for and that‘s what they do if your system is sufficiently resolving. The only more powerful way I have found to achieve the same goal is Acoustic Revive‘s REM-8 and they actually work well in combination.
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I still have and use a bunch of them.  Was a dealer back in the day and sold tons of them.

IMHO, they do what they were designed for...quite well, I might add.