Tube preamp suggestion

Hello everyone,

I am looking at buying a tube preamp for my setup, I use a vault 2 with qobuz and CD’s ripped in,  schiit bifrost multibit as my dac, odyssey cyclops integrated with passive pre, maggie 1.7i and for cables I use BEL

The main reasons to go for a preamp is to get the tube sound, then in future my intention is to upgrade to mono blocks and definitely would like to have a remote.

I made some choices just based on research, never got a chance to listen. i need some good suggestions as to what might be a good fit. I am looking at spending maximum of 3k.

Rogue rp1

Primaluna evo200

Don saches


Odyssey Candela

Rotel base

Freya +

Decware preamp

Thank you!

Also perhaps see if you can find a used

- Audio Research Reference 3
- Balanced Audio Technology VK51SE or VK32SE

These should fit your budget and are fabulous tube preamps.

Good Luck!
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