@mahgister - I am glad you finally came around and are willing to admit it may be affecting you and not the sound. I have no opinion, I only beleive in FACTS.
did you read my post?
i NEVER exclude that the S.G. could act on my body/brain/ears but i devise an experiment to prove to ALL that it cannot work ONLY on the body and brain, but also physically in the room and on the audio field...
Put a shungite piece on top of it... result: compression of the sounds
After that try an Herkimer diamond , results : decompression of the sounds..
After that put the 2 together, results: a balanced more positive effect..
I experiments with 30 minerals for 2 years in line EACH day....
I have no opinion, I only beleive in FACTS.
You believe in facts you read about, me too.... But i believe MORE in the facts i experiment with....This is the difference between your post questionning and my last answer....
I know what i know...
I dont buy hype in audio thread...I dont sell products... I dont review products..
I sell CREATIVITY.....peanuts costs....
Contrary to what said all audiophile threads, audiophile experience MAY cost only peanuts if someone know how to improve a bit all the 3 working embeddings dimensions of his audio system..
I apologize to repeat this but i am the only ONE affirming this truth....And this truth MUST be said.... This is an helping and hopeful one for all those who cannot afford costly gear but who want to improve their system with the curiosity to experiment...
My system is not the best there is but i did not have any frustration left and many 7 figures systems sound less musically than mine.... Then........Upgrading even with the best gear is not the way, working with the controls embeddings is the way....Especially with costly systems....
If not why a costly system could produce harshness and fatigue and being less natural in timbre perception? It is not the engineereing design of the gear the problem, it is the defects in the 3 workings embeddings....