New Zu Audio Soul Supreme Speakers

Hey All,

Just got a new set of Soul Supremes...finally after a long wait to match up with my Undertone. All in American Walnut!

Still getting used to the sound - good, detail, imaging and dynamics. But have noticed what seems like some slight quality control and/or consistency issues.

My Undertone has great looking veneer, but came with a non trivial gash in the veneer. Zu was cool enough to create a small discount for the issue to apply to my Soul Supremes. The speakers then, came with some small but questionable changes to the construction. Instead of clean looking buttoned screws for the connector plate that is used on all other products...they use larger Philips head screws that don’t seat flush. Im told from Zu thats the new standard? Also the veneer doesn’t seem to match the quality previously used on the Undertone.

Anyone else recently picked up speakers from Zu and having the same experiences?

Definitely not the right fastener for this application and not what they ever used in the past...looks like a handful of woodscrews. Weird right? But was told, this is what they now use and no one else has complained. Though they would sell me the proper fasteners if I wanted them. lol!
All I can say regarding those screws is WOW!
What the hell?
Obviously looks like the wrong application regardless of what they say. If that's the case I know have to lower my opinion of Zu Audio, and I own a pair of their speakers.
If you have not done so yet, I'd send Zu Audio your photo's to double-check and ask if those are really the screws they are using now.
Lak, I did and also asked if they had proper screws to sell me why didn’t they use them...their response below.  Why I put on here, I was thinking hmmmm is anyone else seeing this recently from Zu?

"The button head screws are no longer used on the backplate of the Soul Supreme.

We have button head screws because they are used on other things. This has not been an issue with anyone else receiving them, you are the first to have requested such."