biamping with 75 watt solid state and 18 watt tube amp.klipsch rp600m...t

trying to get some decent sound out of kliosch rp600m...biamping with 75 watt solid state and 18 watt tube
You find the Klipsch sonically competitive with Omega speakers? Many would interpret this as high praise. Omegas are noted particularly for purity of tone and coherence. Do the Klipsch compare favorably in this regard?

I know that you have a tube amplifier (Line Magnetic I believe) have you used it paired with your Klipsch? There seem to be two opposing opinions of Klipsch expessed frequently on this forum.
1. Too bright, edgy and forward, i.e.ear fatiguing.
2 Very good lively and engaging/ involving sound quality especially if used with a good tube amplifier.
"...This speakers are very good if you match them correctly..."

Yes they are, they should respond nicely to good gear. I have a pair of Heresy IIIs running off of a chip amp and while it's amazing that it plays as well as it does with the cheap amp, they are way better with decent gear. Same with my RFs. 
klipsch is now a brand that tries to be all things to all people, for better or worse, spanning huge price ranges $15000/pr $430/pr

we should clarify what the heck we are talking about i think... i have a set of 600’s in my garage, they are darn good for the $, but let’s get real ok?
How are you matching the gain of each amp to have same spl output ? buying something cheap for level is a big loss in fidelity .
parts quality needs to be first rate resistive network 
processor based lacks a lot especially the $200 specials .
When you change powers and gains between the highs and lows you are messing with the factory balance of the speaker tailored sound if you will so the results will be mixed at best.