Pimping your router

1. Use a wired router only
2. If wireless router is needed, separate router for wifi
3. only streamer, NOTHING ELSE connected 
4. use LPS to feed router
5. use shortest possible quality cable to streamer
6. use Acoustic Revive RLT-1 filter on spare router or streamer port
7. wrap router and LPS in EMI/RFI shielding material
8. use EMO EN70-HD filter near streamer for ethernet connection
9. use quality shielded cable between router and internet access point

All of these will individually improve your streaming SQ, in aggregate the effect is significant
Enjoy the music
Rich and Anti,

You two should team up and make a YouTube Video so everyone
can see and learn.

How about it?

I have an ENO filter between an Innuos Server and ER.  The ENO gives an immediate sweetness to the sound.  The ER is different it adds a blackness and resolution.  They compliment each other.

I had the ENO between the Innuos and an EE8 Switch for a while but the ER is definitely better there.  The ER is connected by fiber to a SOtM switch.

Asvjerry- now you know why MC prefers analog over digital, his craftsman router wasn’t performing up to par. He tried putting springs on it and using Home Depot interconnects and speaker wire with not much luck either
I went with an opticalRendu for the last three meters to clear whatever grunge was in the LAN.  Once the signal hits the fiber the noise can't travel any further.  It was a nice clean up of the sound.  Noise reduction in the power lines and LAN really makes a nice difference.
I went with an opticalRendu for the last three meters to clear whatever grunge was in the LAN. Once the signal hits the fiber the noise can't travel any further.
How can this be? Do you mean that the fiber isn't transmitting all of the signal that is at its input? That seems to be what you're suggesting, yet the fiber connection can't distinguish between signal and noise, can it?
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