Thanks for the suggestions...I still think this is underappreciated issue....Tvad, yes I completely agree with having the best front end in place....its just that I wonder if I can improve on the poor CDs ...its second player, a luxury if you will to consider.
Introducing a tubed player or tube pre-amp is something I guessed...the EQ idea is something I did not think about so thanks...however EQ doesn't ameleriorate the "metalness" or thin sounding tizziness of poorly recorded CDs...correct?
Learing to live with us...I guess...and I do enjoy my iPOD (loseless codec) when traveling...but that shouldn't stop me for looking at ways to improve things, no?
I also wonder whether the claimed benefits (I don't have 1st hand exp) with the likes of Reality CD or hard disk drives such VSR or Zero would be much more the case on poorly recorded CDs?
Introducing a tubed player or tube pre-amp is something I guessed...the EQ idea is something I did not think about so thanks...however EQ doesn't ameleriorate the "metalness" or thin sounding tizziness of poorly recorded CDs...correct?
Learing to live with us...I guess...and I do enjoy my iPOD (loseless codec) when traveling...but that shouldn't stop me for looking at ways to improve things, no?
I also wonder whether the claimed benefits (I don't have 1st hand exp) with the likes of Reality CD or hard disk drives such VSR or Zero would be much more the case on poorly recorded CDs?