My Schumann Generator has Arrived

I received my Schumman Generator on Saturday and I was finally able to try it out today. I tried it centered between the speakers on my rack at about 3ft from the floor. I really couldn't hear much of a difference. I moved it around the room and placed it on different surfaces all about 3ft from the floor. I listened to the same song, all the way through, at each location. I still didn't hear anything different. Then I placed it on top of one of my diffuser panels that is centered between the speakers behind my listening position. This is about 6ft from the floor. Now, I definitely heard a difference. The sound stage widened and the instruments had a more defined space within the sound stage.

Now for the questions. Would higher work even better? Is there a sweet spot for the distance from the floor that has worked for you? Does more than one generator improve things?
I don’t really thing that there is any real difference between Herkimer and regular clear quartz,
H.D. are more powerful for sound quality even very small one...

Quartz is not always "quartz"....All is not equal....Anyway....

Minerals are like trees they grow with different characters in different area of the world...

And using micro H.D. on a S.G. is easy to do and you can do an experiment using regular quartz and a good H.D. the difference will be less harshness more "fluid" effect....

All minerals works with an effect on cable for example and each minerals has his own signature , Jasper is not agate.... And some are bad....I experimented with 30 for fun.... At the end my most used are tourmaline, H.D. and shungite.... But shungite must no be used on main gear at all....And always use copper tape on a side.... I called that my "golden plate" it is a passive filtering all along my electrical line....Try a couple and listen....It is free i sold nothing....I bought nothing.... I created or replicated at no cost....

Anyway i am nuts but i am happy...

My system of 500 bucks is all i need... Thanks to my complete " hallucinations" ... I thank God to not be an average consumer reading specs sheets like if it was truth manifested by the manufacturer and here in my city no blindtest is necessary, we are all "bat" coming from another dimension and clothed as humans....

«Trust your ears they will never deceive you without giving to you an ecstasy»-Myself

I use a plate of shungite with copper flat tape wrapped around it in four stripes around the plate, and I put one crystal on top.

After you make the assembly described above, where do you locate it? How big is the above assembly?
wrapped around it in four stripes around the plate, and I put one crystal on top.

put the copper tape ONLY on the external side of the application... IF you use it all along the electrical grid of your house dont use an H.D. use a big chunk of quartz like 100 gram at least... it will balance the sound especially if your system is already too warm... If your system is already too cold only the golden plate will be necessary....If you use the golden plate on a S.G. it is better with a small H.D. around 1 or 2 gram...But all along the electrical grid no quartz is necessary save for balancing  a too warm audio system....

Try it on the main electrical appliance of your choice not on gear....Router,electrical box, conditioner, even you computer listen and keep it where the effect will be the more powerful and next try another one....

This is as scientific as Red Dwarf.
I will let the pretense of "science" free here to be used in your audio reviews sellings...

I dont need to "buy" the trust of anybody especially not for these cheap and simple and fun experiments...I sell creativity and fun for peanuts costs.... What do you sell?

I am not a sleeping princess waiting for the crowd of his wedding...
