If you have ever owned a B&O turntable, was it any good? Or was it trash?

If you have ever owned a B&O turntable, was it any good? Or was it trash?
Their turntables and cartridges hold a higher esteem than their amps/receivers/cassette players.

I have one in my collection (8004?). It uses a B&O moving-iron cartridge - which Sound Smith has copied. Linear track with excellent SQ!
Actually, they were not bad at all. The audiophile community did not take them seriously because your choice of cartridge was limited. 
Plus the turntable was a bit too beautiful looking and elegant for diehard audiophiles in its day. The TOTL B&O cartridges that were sold with the tt are certainly NOT lo-fi. I rank my MMC1 as fantastic among ~ 15-20 cartridges I own. It is no accident that a connoisseur like Peter Ledermann chose the B&O  moving iron design style on which to model his entire line of cartridges.