Looking for Tekna Sonic Vibration Absorbers

I am looking for a pair of the Teknasonic Vibration Absorber Model C-10. It’s that plastic gizmo (from the eighties or nineties?) that sticks onto the back of a speaker to reduce cabinet resonance. I’ve scoured eBay and other sources. Does anyone have any leads for me?

Good luck! I’ve been doing the same but no luck. A revolutionary product that for the life of me didn’t catch on. I have about 40 of them ranging from the C-5 to the C-12 on everything from components to walls and of course speakers.
Someone really needs to bring this concept back onto the market but a very good alternative is the Golden Sound Acoustic discs. 
I own a couple dozen utilized in various locations.
I REALLY recommend you try some Car Sound Deadening sheets placed internally ion components floor, walls and top (at least two layers).
I use the NOICO brand.

If you can reach internal walls of you speakers, that would be ideal.
If you can't (and don't mind the aesthetics) place some on the exterior walls and top of your speakers.