Which CD player?

Cambridge Audio 640C, Rotel 1070, Music Hall CD-25?

Anyone know how much better, if any, the new 640C version 2 is than the original version. Version 1 can be had for much cheaper right now.

Thanks to all.
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Wow! I've a NJOE 4000 with upsampler and I'm perfectly happy with it.
Now I'm going to have to audition a Rega Apollo.
I just purchased the 640c v2.0 and it is a significantly better player than the original version. The two categories that stand out the most are: 1) a reduction in 'digititis", and 2) much improved bass resolution. I use PNF Audio speaker cables & ICs, VH pc into my Portal Audio Panache, XLO pc into my cdp, Polk LSi15 speakers, & cones under both amp & cdp. I would love to A/B this v2.0 player with Rega's new Apollo...