I have the Anthem 1140 and think that it’s pretty good. But thinking about Cambridge CXN 2 or the Nodi 2i and using the optical. Any thoughts.
Got a Node 2i, what's next?
The new Node will be widely available shortly, same price.It is just called Node.A decent review here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5J-EJL0D9U |
May I suggest a different approach. Ignore the comment that you need to pay well above $1000 There are old top of the line DACs available that will outperform a lot of expensive modern DACs. I own an old Wadia 15, which plays redbook only and plays in a way that leaves me no desire to bother with hi-res. I have compared this unit to many others and with what I have heard it's still a contender. The Wadia heft is famous and is a polar opposite to the modern headache inducing detail monsters that are being produced in ever increasing numbers. Hooking this up to your Node will be an improvement for sure but would also stand you in good stead should you upgrade to separate streamer. Do not be concerned that it can't decode MQA which has recently been called a scam here on the Gon! They seldom come up for sale, I see one on hifishark now for $1500. It is built like a tank and weighs about 15Kg. Will probably outlive you :) There are others to consider, like Theta Gen V, Mark Levinson, Manley etc. |
I'm holding off on a separate DAC for now until I get some other things in order. I think I have my preamp set now. I'm going to get a few small things sorted out on my analog rig first, and then it's a tossup on whether I go with a new power amp or the dac at a higher budget than the $1k I specified. And honestly, I think that my old preamp was partly responsible for the glare I was hearing with the Node. It's not nearly as prominent now, and detail is quite a bit better, so I can live with the Node for now as I use it mostly for background and checking out new and different music. Thanks for all the suggestions. |