klipshorn speakers

awile back i posted that my son is looking for a speaker that will shake his room.he is buying a klipshorn. is this a good choice??
Thanks Chuck 😀

I used the foam pipe insulation from the hardware store to create the seal on mine.  My feeling is the bigger the room the better they sound.  They seem to need space to open up but man do they ever fill a room.  The other great thing is I didn't spend a lot of time fiddling with speaker placement.   
I always wanted to like Klipsch speakers but could never quite get there. I've heard. Chorus, Forte, Belles and the K Horn, their flagship. I heard rock  music through the K-Horn (your interest) back in '83 at a hi-fi shop. Not impressed. Folks here who mate a sub to their Ks know what they're talking about,  because Ks standing alone won't produce the sort of bass your son appears to want.   
1+ jallan, any frequency response problems can be managed but there is no way you can get them to image properly. They will do the basic 2 dimension image but that is it. You will never get that sense of space around the instruments like they are standing in your room. Jallan is probably correct. The woofer is five feet behind the rest of the loudspeaker and the midrange 18" behind the tweeter. You have three different group delays. We had them in the store comparing them to Magneplanar 3.6i's and the difference in imaging was night and day. It would be an interesting experiment to tri amp the K horns and manage the delays digitally to see what happens.
If he's a newb, don't waste his money on a K-horn for head banging music; get a pair of vintage Cerwin Vegas and tell him to rock out!  
+1 @fatdaddy2 
A pair of klipschorns will be wasted in this situation. The recommendation of a pair of CVs is spot on, although add a pair of cheap subs for good effect.

I'll bet dollars to donuts the OPs son doesn't have a room that will support khorns. IMHO you need to have them on at least a 17' wall to get the best performance. But when the stars align, you'll be hard pressed to beat them without spending a lot more $$.
