Best phono stage for Lyra Etna SL cartridge?

I have Kitsune Kate Lyra-1 mkv phono stage. It is excellent, but my new cartridge Lyra Etna SL has internal impedance of 1.25 ohms, which is too low for the impedance range recommended for Kitsune (3-200 ohms). I have Don Sach preamp. What is the best phono stage for Lyra?
I thought the rule of thumb was X10 the internal impedance of the cartridge, but that isn't the only factor- I'd like to know what associated equipment you are using, since you can, by the choice of components, voice the system through the. cartridge, phono stage/step up or other pre-preamplifier. I even ran one Lyra wide open with no loading at one point. 
I've heard Lyras on a variety of systems that sound great. I owned several pre-dating the Olympus. 
Technics 1200G, Kitsune phono, Don Sachs 2 preamp, Pass x350.5, Soundlabs M545.
Can you external load it and tryout some various loadings?If that works you be in for ~$15-20.