Help with a Passive Preamp

Looking for a Passive preamp and have narrowed it down to 3 - 4 candidates. The Truth with remote, Tortuga Audio LDR300x.V3 Passive, Luminous 

Axiom II Passive Preamp Walker Mod with Remote or maybe the JOB Pre-2? It will be down stream from a Mytek Brooklyn and a Linn LP-12 with a Ruby 3h with a Sutherland 20/20. Downstream is a Pass Xa-25. The Tortuga has the advantage of being able to ad a gain module if necessary. 

I have heard the Truth in my system and it was very good. Your thoughts?

What is the gain on the Sutherland? What is the output of the cartridge that you use? What is the input sensitivity of the power amp? What is the sensitivity of your speakers?  All of these will play a factor if a passive preamp will work in your system!
That should have enough gain. Here is some info about that Truth passive! If you want to play with a passive you should give the Schiit SYS a try for a mere 50 bucks!