My CD player won't read CDR or CDRW

I tested my Krell KAV-250cd CD player yesterday and found it won't detect/read any CDR or CDRW that I have. Now I'm in progress of getting a new CD Transport which accepts CDRW. Here is my narrowed down choices based on availability on used market around $1000.
1. Audio Research CDT1 transport
2. Sonic frontiers SFT-1
3. Classe CDT-1

Anyone has experience with above unit and can give me the idea of
1. How good they are?
2. Does it play CDR or CDRW?
3. How does it perform compare to Krell 250cd?

Thanks for taking a look,

Supakit S.
On different players I have found that sometimes you just need to try it several times and maybe rotate the disc 90 degrees from how you initially insert it. If they played at one time at least you know that it is fixable and hopefully only a temporary inconvenience. Don't be afraid to pop the top and give things a good but gentle cleaning and lightly lube the drawer and pulleys. 

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Clean your CDs before and after playing them. Although the compact disc has a much longer lifespan than does something like a cassette tape, it can be more fragile. Scratches, dust or other damage to the data side of the CD will cause many CD players to fail to read the CD or cause the CD to skip.
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