Koetsu Rosewood Vs Rosewood Signature Vs HANA UMAMI RED advice please

I ended up buying an Acoustic Signature Typhoon, with a 11" Kuzma 4Point. Now the question is which cartridge I get.
I have a Hana E and M in my current VPI and really like them, but I looking forward to test something else. I like detail without much in your face(?), soundstage and some hint of warmth. 

I saved $4K for a cartridge and I am getting 25% off on any cartridge I want, and do not need to spend the $4k.

I am open to other brands, except Sound Smith which I had in my Bergmann Galder and did not like at all.

My system for the Typhoon is composed of
Tannoy Kensington
Pathos Heritage, or Primaluna 300
Manley Labs Steelhead 
all powered with a PS powerplant.
Thank you
Nice table and arm and rest of system! I have the Hurricane Neo (15 year warranty!) and awaiting delivery of the Kuzma 4Point9. I will be using it with my 5 year old Kiseki PH which is still sounding great, however, it will eventually  be replaced and the Umami Red is on my shortlist. Also, I am having Wally Systems set up my cart, since they also have a Kuzma 4Point9. I live only about 50 miles from their location.

On another note; I spoke with J.R. recently who is part of Wally's and he told me that those cartridge cleaners made of silicone like the "ZeroDust" cartridge cleaner leave a residue on the stylus. He is working with Michael Fremer on an article about this issue.
He also recommended that I toss mine, which I did.
Yes, @grk , I have seen it. My ’platter mat’ is a slab of graphite, and it adsorbs contaminants. I noticed a dark patch on the graphite after placing a piece of silicone damping material on it. Since then I’ve discontinued use of Zerodust too.

Fortunately, whatever it is, is tightly bound to the graphite, and so unlikely to contaminate the records.
I am half German, so I love precision and I was able to visit the factory and see what they are doing so I decided to give it a try.

Mr.Fremer was there too, everything looks terrible, but probably they did not let him to post some information. This is the video from the Excel Sound Inc factory tour. 
Dear @astolfor : I don’t know why you are paying premium $$$$ for the Etsuro when the Umami Red and the Etsuro are designed and manufactured by Excel. I own vintage cartridges by Excel and are competitive even for today higher quality performance levels.

I told you that the Umami was very good alternative and superior to the KRS but yes it’s your money.

Btw, @terry9 why you still are talking of the KRSP when the OP asked and bought the KRS. Of course that the Platinum is way superior but it’s not what he will receives.
