Do your speakers have enough "freshness"

I have come to realise recently that one of the ingredients I wanted from speakers is a "fresh" sound, but was unable to articulate that. This is not a term I have used in the past but I am realising that for me it is so vital in creating an emotional response to music. How do you describe what "freshness" is? The best I can do is it is a kind of an open, clear, extended, and lively quality that occupies the mid range through the upper frequencies. I think now that I am more aware of how important this attribute is for me, it is very apparently missing in many speakers. As I have moved up in all equipment, but especially speakers, there has usually been an improvement in freshness, amongst other things. How does sit with you?
Stereophile has an audiophile glossary here:

Maybe you can find the words to describe what you mean there.
Like others have said, "fresh" may not be the best adjective to use. My brother-in-law likes to use the word "crisp" to describe what he likes to hear and I cringe whenever he uses it. Agreed upon usage is the best way to go since we can all relate on some level.

But I see what you mean and if I understand it correctly, then the opposite would be "canned", as in processed, stale and lacking in air and ambience. In short, not realistic.

All the best,
Agree with many of the descriptions of 'freshness' put forward above. I think it is a term that can encapsulate a few of the more typical audio terms in one word. It is obviously not my term but when I heard it, it worked for me.
Tomcy6, thanks for posting that link again. Communication is so much better when the words have the same meaning for all parties concerned.