That Other Audiophile Website

Let's not forget. My negative review about the cd player was removed. This takes away the ability of other buyers to make an informed decision.
I'll give you $250 if it's in the condition that you bought it. See now it's worth $250 to you. 

From a fellow Tom from NJ
tominnj, seeing as how you have had bad experiences with cigarette smoke and you’ve never asked about it before your previous purchases do you think it might be a good idea to start asking about that with future purchases? Or do you want to continue risking it? Not verifying the condition doesn’t make you stupid. What would be stupid is not learning a lesson from it.
You guy work out very well by use Socrates technique. I rather involve seller since we all feel like he still dishonest man hiding in shame of bad habit like smoke. It my hope that he cleanse self and become better audiophile and some day out “no smoke” on ad and that truth.this site bring tear of joy to me eye when thing go well and people learn. Op should apologize to seller and spend night listen to Pink Floyd to let go sadness. 
Once again, tubebuffer’s superior insight has hid the mail on the bed.
That poor seller is fighting a losing battle against addiction, which has spiraled to the point where he must sell his beloved stereo equipment to feed his insatiable smoking habit. One can only assume that once that is all sold off, it won’t be long before his lucky Earnest Hemingway man capris will be up for sale.
And all the OP can do is crab about a box that does not meet his olfactory specifications.
For shame OP. For shame...