What is a gentleman/woman? A person that makes their company or others feel at ease and as secure as they can. The deck of the Titanic the Band members kept playing. They were Gentle people but noble, sometimes your actions are all that is left to show others the true measure of compassion and to share. Tragedy will always show nobility and unfortunately every character flaw known to man..
Practice makes perfect? NO! BUT it sure helps.. You are what you eat, and you are what you repeat.
A lot of people know they do wrong, they choose to do wrong. So what is the unforgivable SIN? Assuming you will be forgiven.
You live aware, not in the shadows. Wrong is wrong and right is right. THERE is no gray, but there is plenty that is NONE of your business.. LOL
What would you want to be done to the guy/gal on the other side of the mirror?
Merry Christmas Everyone..