Returning damaged item to seller....

I bought a Project Ground It which unfortunately was damaged during shipping. The seller refused refund even after sending multiple pictures of damaged item to him. Only after I initiated PayPal action did he decide to refund me. Through out this process he did not want the item back. Now he has decided he wants it back. I am willing to return it but he refuses to pay for return shipping costs. Am I correct in thinking he should pay return shipping fee? Thanks!


You are getting full refund. He is already out for shipping to you. Paying for shipping to him would be a nice gesture from you. A little kindness, even just a little, goes a long way. That’s what I would do.

This guy sound like trouble maker. How he pack it was original or he use cardboard from six pack container and nip? You need someone talk to him you tell him pull it together make good on it.