Modern "Vintage" Sounding Preamps

I like my current preamps (upgraded & restored Acurus LS-11 & CJ PF1) but I'm wanting something at the other end of the spectrum. My preamps, being SS, are towards the "accurate" and "clean" part of the spectrum. What preamps (tube or SS) in your experience lean heavily the soft/warm/forgiving end of the spectrum? Caveats are they must be affordable (under $2K American new or used) and less than 20 years old. Yes, I'm sure a CJ PV5 is just the ticket, but it'd need rebuilding or, if rebuilt, would push well above $2K ...


How about a PV10b? My only concern with it is tube glare in the upper mids, just something Stereophile commented on, moreso with the PV10 and PV10a

The lower level CJ PVs are what you want.  

+1, check out the CJ classic preamp.