Can any player challenge Audio Aero Prestige SE ?

Any experiences? Prestige is great, but SE edition is amazing. Difference is remarkable. I think it has almost all. Great transparency, analog like musicality and high resolution. I have not heard anything like this from digital player before. Can any single box player really challenge this? Let me know your opinions.
how can a component have high resolution, transparency and musicality ? musicality is a term refering to the qualities of instruments, mainly timbre and harmonics.

a component can't have transparency and musicality as the latter implies coloration and the former implies a lack of coloration.

i will try to explain. suppose a recording has been equalized, creating gross inaccuracy of timbre. when played back on a transparent component, the inaccurate timbre will be evident. if the component is "musical", the timbre of the instrument may sound closer to the real thing. certainly, the timbre of the instrument will sound different when played through a component which has "musicality", compared to another which is transparent.

by the way, "bloom" is a quality usuually associated with musicality but not with trasnparency.
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YES: GNSC Ref. Level modded Wadia 581 beats the hell out of the AA Prestige SE - we made an extensive two weekend shoot-out with several top notch players. The AA came in 3rd. after the DCS P-8i and the Wadia.
gentlemen, instead of saying "player 1 beats the heck out of player 2", why not state the comparison between the two players, with respect to criteria such as frequency response, dynamics, soundstage width, depth and timbral accuracy.

it doesn't help to say one player is superior to another without specifying the reasons for such a statement.
without specifying the way in which one player has outperformed another, a statement that "player a beats the hell out of player b" is ambiguous. please provide specific facts about the superiority of a modiefied wadia 581 over the audio aero.