Speaker Sound


I hope that I do not sound dumb asking this. I just connected a pair of PSB Stratus Mini's to a Krell S-300i without jumpers or biwire  speaker cable. Is it common to have a dull lifeless sound without jumpers or biwire speaker cable? 


No wonder you're getting poor sound with cheap jumpers.  Paper clips indeed!

You need to get the new Super Jumpers by Reptile Grease.  $1,100.  Each.

You get what you pay for.  You'll love 'em.

No wonder you're getting poor sound with cheap jumpers.  Paper clips indeed!

You need to get the new Super Jumpers by Reptile Grease.  $1,100.  Each.

You get what you pay for.  You'll love 'em.

I think that you’re missing the part where

  1. The OP said that there were no jumpers
  2. The OP ordered bi-wires

The paper clips would actually give the OP a listening experience before the new bi-wires arrive.

My recommendation is along the lines of what some would refer to as “Clear thunking”