American Made Audio Products

I just came upon this and wondered if anyone else has seen this website. I try to support the home team when I can so this is interesting, at least as a resource, and not a sales tool. I apologize in advance if I’m late to the game on this but interesting to hear anyones thoughts, knowledge, etc. Thanks.


Although out of business, I had a B&K AVR307 receiver for 20 years and it is still currently in use and working fine today. 150W x 7.

Designed, manufactured and shipped from Buffalo, NY. Just wanted to give this fine "All American" company its recognition... thanks!

Jim5559 - There may be some equivalent quality items made in Europe & Canada but better? Doubtful. Here's just a few brands that are amongst the very best available in their respective price ranges & American made:

Magico, YG Acoustics, Rockport, Basis, VPI. JBL, McIntosh, Krell, Mark Levinson, Rogers High Fidelity, Audio research, Conrad Johnson, Boulder, Parasound, Benchmark, Constellation, Dan D'Agostino, Pass Labs, Lamm Industries, PS ,  Audio, VAC Balanced Audio Technology, Ayre, Aesthetix, etc.

That's just a sampling. Of course very few companies can use only American made components but many of these come fairly close. 

@sc2 "You can add Tri-planar to the list…" 

Tri-planar makes no claims about country of origin. I see that they're based in Minneapolis, but not sure they have a factory there, or whether it's all made locally or parts are imported.