Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?

I don't have any specific example but just from looking at it overall, it seems like high-end components prices have really risen more than inflation.  

Or may be it is must me?



This is what we call a sh**post.  This is how entire threads get deleted. A completely off-topic little rant.  I'm glad you feel better.

I live in a summer vacation hot spot where multi million dollar homes with 100k + sports cars and SUV’s are parked in garages. The homes are occupied 2 months of the year and occasional weekends. Thankfully my modest 3 bedroom 2 car garage Cape within a short walk from many of these homes is valued at over 700k vs it’s build price of 180k including the lot back in ’98. I enjoy the same restaurants and beaches while having earned a good living designing and installing home automation systems and theaters in quite a few of these homes. As ridiculous as it seems to me and many others here in the area to have so much invested in a home and vehicles that get such little use, our local economy thrives so I for one don’t care what people choose to spend their money on let alone how much of it. I do however feel very strongly that the return and reward in a 2 channel audio system above a given investment cost today is marginally very slim compared to other areas of investment such as real estate for example. How much reinventing of the wheel has there really been with amplifiers for instance in the last 60 years in comparison to automotive engineering or medical advancements? The DIY community thrives in the restoration and enjoyment of older tube gear because of the great value both monetarily and for the fact that they can produce sound that rivals modern production pieces costing much, much more. The end goal most of us desire is the ultimate sonic experience available within our budget. The funny thing is most are never satisfied and keep chasing the unicorn. Proof is in how many components are bought and sold by individuals on a regular basis. Are you making uninformed decisions, never content, believing BS hype? I want to sit my ass in the chair and enjoy the music...I know unicorns don’t exist except in fairy tails.

It has nothing to do with inflation. Go to an audio show. I did last month and $35k-over $100k speakers sound much worse than say the Revel salon/studio 2’s for $23k or lower. If it was inflation and you also based it on sq, the revels would be $150k. There were some nice sounding speakers at the show but instead of $30k or more, they should have been priced for sq around $5k or a little more

Focal Sopra 2's are my judge of price gouging. Just two years ago they could be had for $15k. They now cost $22k. There is no way to slice that cake to justify it. Glad I got mine before the gouging began, but I won't be back to Focal. 

Maybe some things have become out of control, but has ARC ever been cheap? Or how about McIntosh? Heck I took out a loan on my first large speakers. The used Bozak B’s were mine for 24 easy monthly payments.