At this point no single best streaming solution has been discovered. @jumia You'd think 100% galvanic isolation would make anything prior superfluous, this not the case. Every single component in streaming chain will manufacture noise and/or allow noise in from emi/rfi, tthis noise detracts from attaining full resolving capabilities. Galvanic isolation certainly blocks the noise, but can't remove that which exists prior within equipment, connections and cable. So, as much as it makes sense to block noise after servers, it also makes sense to block it prior to server.
My experience is what comes after server more important than prior, the closest components or cabling just prior to dac most important. Still, the whole question of what's important brings to mind the old Linn argument that source is most important in systems vs. loudspeakers. The truth is everything is important, always be mindful of weak links and treat those as they arise.
For my particular setup, the audiophile or any switch for that matter, was detrimental, adding another component, power supply and cabling only served to add noise, sometimes simpler is better.