GaN amps: Peachtree or LSA Voyager?

Peachtree 400 and LSA Voyager GaN amps: Does anyone have direct experience with both of these amps? Can you comment on any differences that might exist in sound? I know the internals are supposed to be the same but even if that is true implementation can make a difference. Both are highly regarded by those who own them.

Might also be helpful if you listed the rest of your system (Pre and speakers).

My current system is: Bricasti M3 DAC; Rogue RP-7 (NOS) pre; Bel Canto Ref600M amps; Fyne F1-8 speakers.

Thanks in advance!


@jackd Last year I bought a pair of AGD Audions, but returned them. Squeaky clean and detailed but thin and grossly over priced for 85 watt monos. And that fake tube thing... well, the idea of being able to upgrade is interesting. 

@rajugsw Thanks for the suggestions. I will check them out.

@bruce19 Hey, that is the kind of info I am looking for. Thank you!

Getting back to my original question, does anyone have experience with both the Voyager and the Peachtree GaN 400?

Last year I bought a pair of AGD Audions, but returned them. Squeaky clean and detailed but thin and grossly over priced for 85 watt monos.

if that is the experience of this poster, then i would guess there will be no oasis to be found in this barren desert of gan/d amps... 😅

@markmuse I had the Voyager 350 and also had it modded by EVS. After the mods I thought the Voyager was similar to my Benchmark AHB2 but with more power. It was super clean and quiet, though It lacked the bass power of my CODA #8. However, it sounded better on top than my CODA #8. I sold my Voyager and kept the CODA #8 because I felt the CODA had more meat on the bones. I sold the CODA #8 yesterday mainly to raise some cash.

After my experience with various amps I realized my long term amps were going to be Class A and the AHB2. The plan was to upgrade the CODA #8 to the #16 though I realized I could get more bang from my buck from the new KRELL XD lineup. Such as this one.


@markmuse The problem is that given their similarities people tend to buy either/or.  I can't remember a post where someone had both units in house.  If I were buying in this price bracket, I'd wait for an Orchard Ultra Stereo.

Thanks to everyone.

@jjss49 Like your picture and the music it represents. Other than environmental issues I'm not sure why I'm wedded to class D. I guess America loves the underdog. Currently using Bel Canto Ref600 monos which are class D but not GaN. They are anything but meatless. The only problem I have with them is a slight synthetic texture that appears mostly in sax and some piano registers. And they are not as quiet as they could be, but I am nit picking here. On the whole with these Fyne speakers they sound great. The Black amp from Bel Canto is a little bit smoother and quieter, but I don't believe I can hear into the music quite as well with it (might be an artifact of the texture thing I mentioned). And it cost $12,000 US.

@yyzsantabarbara Thanks! I have been following your trials on here. I almost bought a Coda 8 a while ago. That is quite a price drop on the Krell. I have thought about Krell too. I like the idea of XD, but I haven't heard one. The 300 is a bit rich for me. I might investigate the 175. I remember you saying you sold the Voyager in favor of the Benchmark, but did you say why? Why? I've thought about the Benchmark as well (had the LA-4 for a while and it was quite good). Concerned about the dryness with it too. But then I have a three subs that could maybe pick up the slack. Dunno.

@twoleftears I am definitely interested in the Orchard Ultra with upgrades. But again, how do I hear one before purchasing? I haven't been able to find their return policy. Do you have reason to believe it will sound different from the other GaN offerings?