Recommendation all-rounded speaker (small room)

Hi audiogon forumers,

I listen to variety of music genres from slow, lazy to fast music, jazz, classical to pop/rock depends on mood.

Thus, I need your humble opinion to recommend all-rounded speaker to fit my small listening room (12' x 10' x 9' , W x D x H).  Currently using Accuphase AB amplifier, source from Roon via Intel NUC/Auralic.

I am eyeing at SCM 11 with great interest.  Anyone other recommendation is very welcome.


Not quite.The factors that are in my understanding and experience are the mechanical movement of surround and the crossover>the problem i feel with just listening to music doesnt get the surrounds hopping and moving.The ayre burnin disk track 4 works and can get speaker mechanically moving.Other than that bass heavy tracks.I like to use my bela fleck/greatest hits?...even flight of cosmic hippo doesnt get my 19’s moving unless cranked.Hope this makes up on all you can...time and patience.

OP,  “Is that considered break in?”


No you need one or two hundred hours of the woofers flapping back and forth to “loosen” them up and reduce the resistance to movement… they are stiff at first.

I have imported ATC for a along time, I have never experienced break in with them. ATC beats the HECK out of them before they ever get shipped-7Hz at 20Volts for LF drivers! Massive excursion is part of the normal QC for every single driver. The fly in the ointment of break in is that if true:

1) any older speaker would sound very different from any newer speaker of the same model.

2) how does a driver "know" when to stop breaking in? The break in argument is the glue and the paper or materials gain in flexibility, then how does that driver magically stop "breaking in"?

3) There’s precision in how flexible the glue and paper is?  IF you design a speaker to sound a certain way, post break in,  why ship ANY speaker that does not sound like that? Meaning you have to ship and test only broken in speakers?  Why would not every speaker maker break in his or her own speakers prior to shipment?    

4) If speakers break in, then a replacement or a recone would never ever sound like the other speaker in the pair. Why has no one every called me and said "wow, the repair sounds different compared to my other speaker". I have precision mastering houses using these speakers, they hear a faulty cap. Why would they not hear two drivers sounding different?




Thanks for posting they are good to go out of box?...interesting read.What about crossover?...Looks like your friends spoke truth auronthas.🎶

@lonemountain  Hi Brad.

Thanks for your clarification on ATC speaker break in.

On similar woofer glue you mentioned. I have had made a mistake using dry microfiber to remove dirt on woofer.  Alas, few fabric sticked to woofer and glue, I didn't know the woofer is "wet and sticky".  Bad thing happen when I used my finger to remove fabric at the woofer rubber ring, the glue rolled together with fabric as photo attached.

Luckily it does not affect the sound.  The woofer no longer look aesthetically nice.   I dare not touch the woofer.  Any treatment to make good the glue or just leave it ? Thanks