Power Cord for DAC

I am looking for a power cord to use with a Bricasti DAC.  Looking for good tone and timbre and a slightly dark sound.  

Price range 1000-1500.

Candidates thus far: Zenwave Audio, Purist Audio and Kimber Kable.

Any ( constructive ) suggestions would be appreciated.

Happy Memorial Day to all.



I just received a Bricasti M3 and listening to an Audiomica ac cord and seems like a wonderful match.

It would be really useful to see your whole system in its venue… as in post photos under your userid of your system. 

I would look at Transparent assuming you are happy with the tonal balance of all your components.


Top sellers are Audio Quest, Transparent, and WireWorld… and I would add Cardas if your balance is slightly analytical. 

I have a Bricasti M5, not a DAC, with their LPS built in.  I asked them about upgrading the power cord and they said the stock cord is ideal and not necessary. I did try some upgrades and did not hear any improvement in my system. Not sure if your DAC is similar.  Good luck with it all.