Is Mark Levinson still considered up there with the best of the best?

Since Mark Levinson sold his company the name still remains the same 40 years later. Obviously the man Mark Levinson is not who designs and builds Levinson anymore, but that being said, is Mark Levinson still considered among the best with the team that designs and builds current Levinson equipment? 


John Curl designed a number of early Levinson products.

John also has some really interesting stories concerning that area of his audio design life....

it has never been considered even close to the best , very good within the under $15k group , in Audio $100 k for a amplifier is very. Possible and exceptional .

unless you have a $$Million + to spend the best is out of reach for most of us .

My Lexus has a Mark Levinson system as well. Much better than an after market system. But it is also very much in line with the sound I associate with ML. My 4Runer has a JBL system… completely different, not at all accurate… very exaggerated, brassy, but kind of fun to listen to. 

Noisy environments are very different than quiet environments. High end sound in noisy environments sounds really flat. 

They have new products out that are designed by a few top designers today.  The integrated amp (list price I think is $9500) is a really fantastic sounding unit.  One of the best SS units I have heard.  I believe that the people who designed this are working on other units. The integrated was musical, had dynamics, slam and nice separation of vocals and instruments.  If I was looking for a SS piece, it would be a top option for me.  I think the B class units are $5400.


Happy Listening.