looking for a more efficient speaker.....

some thing with a higher then my current rated 86 alon IV.  something more easier to drive.  i love the way the sound but i have to drive them at 1-2 oclock to get the best sound and then you start to hear the strain.   let me know, i dont have big pockets so keep that in mind, plus i like floor standing types.


soix  also i talked with dr lee at acoustic zenn, ask if there could be a problem with the wow II's since i got rid of the tara labs for the same reason.  he told me not to tighten the interconnects to tight this will alter the headroom and clarity and he was right, just fyi.......


soix the issue is clarity not power

Obviously you are hearing the effects of your amp clipping from being over loaded.  It only has 500 watts at 8 Ohms and 900 at 4 Ohms.  Ha!



Similar type of design would be the GR Research NX-Otica Kit at a rated 93db.(Not really cheap). The Alon designer (which used to be Nola... same name only backwards) Worked on the Dahlquist DQ-20 and DQ-12. A sealed base box with a boxless midrange and tweeter.

If you like sound the sound of the Alon have you considered bi amping them? Or looking for a pair on Dahlquist DQ20i and bi-amping them. From my experience it’s hard to to listen to a box speaker after listening to the boxless design.

You're other choice would move to a horn speaker but they will have a completely different presentation

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