Modwright LS100 vs LTA MicroZOTL

Has anyone had an opportunity to compare the Linear Tube Amplifier MicroZOTL vs the Modwright LS100?  If so how do they compare?




I love Modwright products and have 2 modified Oppo’s. I have not listened to the LS100 so I can’t comment on it. I have owned an MZ2 and I have a MicroZOTL preamp. The MicroZOTL preamp is a keeper for life and the MZ2 can’t be beat at the price in my opinion. The MZ2 is the Swiss Army knife of audio since it’s a world class preamp, headphone amp and if you have some very efficient speakers, the 1 watt integrated amp is unbelievably good.


The short answer is yes but not at the sacrifice of clarity or a noisy veil. It is the first preamp that improved the sound of my amp by a good margin. The ZOTL Pre is also sensitive to tube rolling so richness yes.

I’ll defer to @armstrod as he’s got the real goods, but by everything I’ve read the Modwright will sound warmer and the LTA relatively more neutral but still with some tube goodness.  I just got an MZ2 but it’s still in the box because my amp is getting fully modded at SMcAudio and won’t be done for another couple weeks.  I’ll report back on my impressions if anyone cares. I’ll also post my impressions of the MZ2 as a headphone amp in the headphone section as I’ll also be using it to drive my Hifiman Arya Stealths.  Again, if anyone cares. 

@lancelock How would you describe the differences between the MZ2 and MicroZOTL?  This only applies if you had the upgraded power supply on the MZ2, otherwise I assume it’s no contest.