Amplifier Longevity Question

When I got started with quality two-channel equipment, after my first pair of decent speakers (B&W CDM-7NTs), I bought a Magnum Dynalab MD208 receiver.  This was in approx. 2001; a leap of faith, based mostly on a Stereophile review.  About a year later, after upgrading speakers, I bought a McIntosh MC402 power amp, and used the Magnum Dynalab only as a preamp and tuner.

Although I've since changed sources, speakers, and cabling, the MD208 and MC402 are still in use today.  (For about 7 years, they weren't used much; before and since they've been played daily, or close to daily.)  I have no complaints about sound quality.  I have noticed zero SQ degradation, despite two household moves, and placement in living rooms for the entire period.  My system (with Sonus Faber speakers) sounds good to me, and to my wife, a retired classical musician.  I wish the MC402 didn't weigh about 115 lbs, and would rather that our last movers hadn't lost the MD208's remote, and somehow caused the volume knob to decrease its immediate responsiveness (a very minor issue), but otherwise, I have nothing to complain about.

But nothing last forever. And at this point, a decent audiophile system is important to us. I'm not itching to make a change, but I am curious to get some sense from my fellow A'goners about the remaining useful life of these two components, which have served me well.  What should I reasonably expect?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


I just checked the Universal Remote database, and the Magnum Dynalab code set is there. That means you can have an MX remote programmed to include your tuner’s operating controls, along with any TV & sound system you have. The MX-790 is $349.00 and a basic program is usually under $200.00.  Not worth it just for the tuner, but as a total solution maybe. Alternatively a cheap code programmable one from a blister pack might have it for $10.00. The GE or Phillips ones use the UEI database, which is vast. They are annoying to set up, but hey, they’re cheap.

Give your back a break and get a good Class D, Purifi Eigentakt or GAN FET amp, which will be as transparent and powerful as you need without the hernia.  NAD M23, or for more esoteric appeal, Orchard or Mytek. All under $4000.00, some a lot under. 

First, as the OP, let me say thanks to all who posted in response to this thread. Audiogon is a good place, with thoughtful and helpful members!

The consensus seems to be that my 20+ year old amps, which have been in daily use for about 14 years, and used only intermittently for about 7 years (2014-21), should be good for another few years at least, if properly serviced (and assuming parts are available).  I'm glad to learn this, because as I noted, I'm not itching to make changes just to make changes.  I've even learned to live without a remote for volume control, like the ancients.  It's not so bad!

Overall, I'm pleased with the sound of this system, which was much improved with the replacement of B&W 804S speakers by Sonus Faber Olympica III speakers last year.  (The B&Ws were good, and I had no complaints until they were destroyed; the SFs are in a different league.)  

Several members have suggested I reconsider my preamp situation, perhaps going to a tube preamp.  I appreciate the thoughts, and may do that at some point.  I also might get another SS preamp.  I have zero technical expertise, though, and I'm not handy, and don't like messing with equipment.  That was why, when I bought my MC402 many years ago, I didn't go with my other finalist, a VTL power amp.  The VTL sounded fantastic to me, placing opera singers in 3-dimensional space, as if they were on stage.  But the VTL ran hot, and seemed like it was going to be a demanding sports car, requiring attention. 

As for Class D and similar amps, I haven't heard any of the more recent products.  What I have heard, perhaps 8-10 years ago, left me un-wowed. But technology advances, and I keep an open mind.


Interesting hearing more about your system. I owned Olympica 3 speakers for many years. They were real game changers for me. To me, it also reinforces the potential for your system to be significantly improved with a tubed preamp… I am a big Audio Research fan and simply love their preamps… well, and phonostages… and amps. 

FYI, a classic pairing is Audio Research, Sonus Faber speakers and Transparent interconnects. I migrated in that direction for decades (not by knowing the association, but by careful component choices) and now… that is what I have. Best system, for me, that I have heard.