The new LSA Signature 50 Monitor "Disruptive Product"

My review on the Stereo Times website on the LSA Signature 50 speaker was posted this morning. I believe that you GON members would enjoy the details why I refer to this monitor as a "Disruptive Product" regarding it's cost vs. performance ratio. Take a look at the review for the details of why my time with the Signature 50 was so much fun and has lead to hours of musical enjoyment.

Teajay (Terry London)



yes, when I wrote "online retailer" I thought: "and you can’t click on anything to buy it", you have to call and email your info and then wait for an email that arrives a day later that doesn’t confirm anything and then wait for an invoice, in the mail, a week later, separate from the shipment, another 3 days later, a very convoluted and scary process compared with ordering from a web site with clear instructions about the process, step by step, and complete transparency.

@grislybutter i was ready to buy their new integrated a while back,  but then saw how "weird" everything was. i went with a van alstine pre-amp instead.  i am curious as to how good these speakers are though. I'll probably never find out. anyways, happy trails. 

When dealing with Underwood, it’s best first to check out very carefully their return/non-return policy on new goods.

This is another area where Underwood is very different from Crutchfield, Music Direct, Audio Advisor, etc.

I purchased from Walter ( underwood hifi) many times and I had excellent experience with his company. I love the fact that I can talk to someone over the phone and ask as many questions. Maybe I am an old school buyer 🤣


I rarely get involved in any chat rooms as I don't have the time but I would like to point out that the pair of Signature 80's that they got at the AZ speaker fest was our original and only design pair. When we got them back one of the woofers was not hooked up. Must have come loose as they were shipped 5 times before they got to AZ. It is a shame as they are wonderful speakers.

As to the website comments, I agree that it is poor but I work 70 hours a week, 7 days a week and have to talk to all customers as well as pay the bills and post products on the site. It just keeps growing over the last 23 years. It is not going to change until next year when we do a new site with click to buy.

I do not monitor these posts so anyone who has issues or questions can call me at my original 770-667-5633 Georgia number. It has not changed for the 23 years that I have run the business. I now live in Hawaii but we use the original number and still ship from our Georgia warehouse.

