New DAC or New Streamer?

This should be fun. After I pay to get my amp upgraded at VAC next month  I plan to either upgrade my DAC or Streamer next. I should have enough for that by late spring/early summer. I'm retired so I save some each month until I have what I need. My system is in my user profile. But to keep this simple my current DAC is the Dinafrips Venus II I got a year ago. (I also have the Hermes DDC)

My streamer is the Cambridge CXN V2 via coax to the Hermes-> I2s -> DAC which is also 1 year old. I was just getting into streaming then and knew little about it. I have learned a lot this past year, a whole lot.

I think the bottle neck is leaning more toward the streamer. It seems the DAC is pretty good, I know there are much better DAC's out there but it holds it own I think. Maybe not? I cannot afford the likes of DCS, Lampizator, etc.

The next planned upgrades are a Terminator II DAC and Aurender N200 Streamer. Both are $5000-$6000. (Unless I go for the Terminator + DAC that is $7500 but I am not sure it is $2500 better than the Terminator II)

So, since both will get upgraded a year apart, which should I go for first? Which would provide the biggest upgrade?

Thanks. Happy holidays to all.


just a suggestion:

SGC Sonic Transport


Optical Rendu into the Hermes



I recently got an Aurender N200.   It’s an awesome machine.   I’m using it with a LAB 12  DAC 1 Reference and it is a great sounding combo.   Has none of the nasties often associated with digital playback. 

I bought the DAC after a short demo.   It sounded great on the store and even better in my rig.   

I bought the Aurender sight unseen.   I traded a piece of gear toward it and it was a transaction that was easy on the wallet.  My piece plus $850.   It was a no brainer since I stream so much.  

Build quality of Aurender products is off the chart.   They are well built and the suppprt is excellent.    

I bought the LAB 12 with the option to trade up within a year but it sounds so good I’m not sure I want to spend double.   Not right now anyway 


Could you clarify ? Do you need a full function “music server “ or a streamer “network player” ? Obviously the Aurender N200 is the former. If all you need is a network player consider the new Pluse series of network players from Innuos. There are 3 different models/price points.Excellent streaming capability for less money than the music servers.



I don’t intend to use Roon. I may in the future want to rip CD’s to a SS drive I can add one to the N200. From what I understand it (N200) has great SQ. How would the Innuos better it? In what way? More bang for the buck in that is will sound the same as the N200 for less money? I use Qobuz primarily, what’s the difference between these Pluse units and the Aurender? Don’t the Aurenders cache the stream into RAM and then play it back? Thank you for your feedback. I will take a look at them. I should add that I am seeking my end game streamer. (As funny as that may seem in this crazy rabbit hole hobby)


I am honestly surprised by the feedback as I expected the DAC to be the priority, and get the best DAC you can afford in an all digital playback system first. That would be the Terminator for me as I like the "house sound" I have so far.


Interesting bit of information that may or may not cause a stir. I today concluded that the CXN may be my bottle neck because when I tried different Power cords in it I really didn’t hear much change. However when I added the newer power cord to my DAC it was immediate that it improved, the same result when I added the same one to my CD transport although the DAc was affected more. (The power cord that is new to the system is the Wireworld Silver Electra 7 of which I now have two) My  perspective on this is that the streamer isn’t of high enough resolution to to distinguish this or that PC’s make little impact on it. It is currently powered by a Shunyata Black mamba from years gone by. I have 4 of them, but have retired 2 of them to my LHY network switch and my LHY linear power supply. I have a Synergistic Reference Master Coupler due in Friday to try on my Preamp to see how it compares to the Shunyata. @ghdprentice YES, being retired offers many hours of music listening during the cold days of winter and fussing with the sound of the system. You are one that through your feed back on many threads have helped convince me to look into Aurender, since streamers are all they do. Secondly when I see sophisticated systems featured online the Aurender units are featured rather frequently.

There is a lot more to be gained in a DAC.  Until you have a flagship dac of your dreams, you can get by on a $300 streamer.  

In other words the differnce between a $1000 and a $10000 dac is huge but the differnce between a $300 and a $5000 streamer is much less.
