Getting back in the game

So I’ve been out of the hobby for about ten years……kids divorce business……you get it. However, my new wife and I just bought a house and I got a room all to myself. Was going to turn it into a theater room. Got a laser tv bought a brand new denon receiver plugged in my old B&W 804’s that I hadn’t heard in forever and hell I’m hooked again now

my question is this. I am currently using the denon and streaming over my tv using tidal. Lol I know this is not anywhere close to what I can get from these speakers so I would love a couple suggestions 

im gonna need either a great integrated and a streamer or maybe separates?  I will probably also get a TT as I love vinyl. 

i love vocals and rock but if you pushed me.. I tend want a really emotional connection to the music rather than be mistified by the incredibly etched out accurate sound….. does that make sense?  

room is 13 by 15 by 9. Getting room tx as we speak. All suggestions are appreciated on how make this room sing. Can spend around 8k


thank you


My bias is towards good two-channel, so I like those suggestions the best. 😀

If it were me, keeping the speakers, I am auditioning the Audio by Van Alstine DVA digital preamp and DVA M225 monoblocks. And if I defer spending on better cables (hint: Iconoclast), I might have enough budget to snag a secondhand Lumin U1 Mini (streamer), maybe with the better sBooster LPS if I am lucky or patient.

There are a lot of interesting options to explore. This is one possible starting point that might be worth some homework. Good luck and have fun!

To take it a step further consider a McIntosh C46/47 SS preamp you will have no synergy or tube issues. When you get the electronics right future upgrading is much easier. If you ever decide to upgrade your speakers to a current or newer B&W speaker your electronics can stay. Focus your rotation/upgrading on source/s, cables and room treatment to get the sound desired. Keep in mind digital is less expensive then analog when regarding price/performance ratio.

well it looks like most are pushing for seperates.  I'm fine with that, but probably will go used to stay within budget.  No fans of the Ayre so far

Ayre is a great small company with top level customer service. It is the sonic signature that "could " be over the top with B&W speakers. Ayre would probably work better with more polite/laidback loudspeakers.