What is the best way to clean Vinyl?



I should mention that the stylus is fine when playing new vinyl.

So ,it's not the stylus.


Is it possible to get a record to sound like a cd or will there always be subtle static in the backround?

You do seem to be going in circles! Yes, you can get a used record as quiet as a CD, but it depends on the record. Dirt can be removed, scratches cannot.

As for vacuum vs. U/S, you've already had my thoughts on that.

Klaudio ultrasonic vynil cleaner is excellent if it won’t have issues? I don’t know if Acoustic sounds has a designated repair shop just in case issues show up? Onother process is by hand using audio intelligent solution ? I spray the record a bit then , I spread it with soft brush? Then I used painter cornering brush with little pressure then I wipe it with anti static towel and dry it? It works for me.