Exactly @mulveling, excessive gain is to be avoided. Does Art Ferris still make his Audible Illusions Modulus pre-amp (which uses the 6DJ8 tube) with 30dB of gain (!) in the line stage?
@bdp24 30dB gain is "holy cow" territory lol. No wonder folks would complain about 6DJ8 being a microphonic tube if they had that unit!
It seems like there was a time (in the 90s?) when it was common to see full function preamps with an MM phono stage and a whopping 20+dB line gain. I’ve seen units from ARC and CJ spec’d like that. I guess the idea was you "could" run a Medium or even Low-output MC cartridge by filling in with line stage gain? Doesn’t work well, IME. Besides having way too much gain AFTER the attenuator (which causes noise issues for sensitive amps & speakers), I’ve not had good results feeding too small a signal into an RIAA stage and then trying to add the extra gain afterwards - dull, flat, lifeless sound.