Received my Wadia i170 transport today.

Just wondering if anyone else has received one? Impressions? I'll post my impressions in a few days.
Hi Robr, I'm about to sell my MBL 1621. Am I deaf? Please tell me the right diagnosis.
PS: I think Mike Lavigne and others are laughing their pants off because of my silly posts.

As silly as it may makes perfect sense.

Would you be willing to take it even farther??????????

If the answer is yes, follow this link to get the most out of your iTransporeter. I believe Audio Tone will have this version up for review.

Wadia iTransporter - extreme mods
Mrjstark, thx for recommendation. The digital output of the Wadia is indeed very flimsy and not worthy of the Wadia name. This way Wadia gets also a bit of a "midfi" status. Also the external power supply/wall wart is just adequate but not very oldskool Wadia like. In short, we need a "signature" version of the 170i.

Yeah, thanks Mrstark. Have you heard the mods?

I wish they'd moved to a high quality digital output rather than going to the Vampire RCAs. The other mods make sense to me, but I'll be using it purely to get a digital signal to my Playback Design's DAC, so I might not really need to full mod.

I worry a little when they say that maple is the best wood for damping, when archtop guitar builders say it's the best for resonating with a sharp edge to the tone. Oh well... ;-) There's got to be better damping materials than maple!!!

Still it may be worth giving them a call. First I need to buy my 170i.

Chris is right:
"In short, we need a "signature" version of the 170i. "

I'll be willing to pay extra for "all out assault" Wadia iPod transport (iTransporter).



No I have not. I suppose to get my iTransporter a while back but I have not heard from the dealer yet. I will get it in a week or two one way or the other and hope to try it with my build-in Isabellina DAC (RWA).

Jeff Dorgay of "Tone Audio" pub. might be the one who will review the modded Wadia iTransporter in the near future.

I will wait for his comments and try to draw my own conclusions.

Modification might make audible improvements in Wadia's budget offering - considering the target price, you can not expect high quality parts and finish........can iTransporter be improve ? I think so.

It is relatively new product and only time will tell the whole story of Wadia's budget wonder and how far it can be taken - performance wise.
