Stereo or monoblocks

I recently bought a pair of the JBL HDI-3800 speakers. I also own a McIntosh C-2300 preamp. Should I buy a used McIntosh mc402 stereo power amp or try to find a pair of a different brands monoblocks? The new Schiit Tyr has my interest.


@chocaholic I know the increased wpc had everything to do with why my music sounds better on my system.  The mono blocks in my case provided greater wpc.  To your point, I have seen mono blocks that have quite low wpc, but I think that is the exception.  

I am a mono block fan... I have my reasons but I love the visual of the two units and mental framework of two channels being separately amplified.

As for the 402... Looks impressive, maybe over powered... Not that you could have to much power, but certainly the 3800 could do with less.

I am completely amazed with my Schiit Aegir mono-blocks. I'm powering KefLS50 Meta's and have been just enamored with them and the sound.

The 3800 at 92db and 4ohm, LS50's I run are 85db and 8ohm and believe it or not the Aegir do a great job powering them in mono (I was nervous and considering the Vidar mono's). With the Aegir's I'm filling my entire 1500sq/ft workshop/garage with tons of rich and highly detailed sound (+subwoofer).

Give them a try... You could be very impressed and save a few bucks.

I would love to have a set of mono blocks if I had the room and the means to purchase.  I have an all PS Audio system with a BHK250 driving a set of Focal Sopra's so I would love to plop a set of BHK600's or maybe the 300's down near them but the price of admission is way out of my league for now, so I will just have to be happy with the 250 for some time to come.

If you can, mono blocks are the way.  Which ones is a different story.  If you like the Mac sound, you can double down and get Mac’s. If you want dilute the Max sound, there are many amps that sound good with your preamp.  Last year I was at a friends house and he had a Mac preamp and PS Audio BHK 300 mono blocks playing through KEF Blade speakers.  I didn’t want to leave!

Just buy the best amp(s) you can afford with an appropriate amount of power for your needs. Mono doesn't automatically mean magic, it means separate left and right chassis and the imaging will be better, everything else being equal. 

The MC402 runs around $4500-4900. Just get the best amp you can find in that price range. @normantaylor liked the Magtech amps better not just because they are monos, but because they are better amps and they really lit up his Maggies.